Molly Lieber + Eleanor Smith
Rude World
Rude World
January 7-13, 2015
Co-commissioned and presented with Performance Space 122as part of the COIL Festival 2015.
Molly Lieber and Eleanor Smith make dances together by constructing improvisational practices into a mutual experience of performance. Seemingly conjoined at times, or forcefully in opposition – this performance is a living, breathing, thumping manifestation of a profound and raw artistic collaboration.
As highly skilled improvisers, they often discover ideas first through feeling. Their artistic intimacy allows for a crafted wildness which is then honed into a performative specificity through the necessity of a dual consensus. Rude World is the final series in a triptych of works created over the course of three years.
Choreographed and Performed by: Molly Lieber and Eleanor Smith. Lighting Designer: Madeline Best.
“The Duet as a Physical Sculpture, Unburdened by Noise or Clothing” – Brian Seibert, New York Times
“Molly Lieber and Eleanor Smith unveil Rude World” – Gia Kourlas, Time Out New York