Rebecca Patek
The Future Was Looking Better In The Past: My Family Herstory: Or from religious persecution to american greed to murderous infamy to denial, repression and the slow dissolution into moral confusion, financial ruin and karmic retribution
The Future Was Looking Better In The Past: My Family Herstory: Or from religious persecution to american greed to murderous infamy to denial, repression and the slow dissolution into moral confusion, financial ruin and karmic retribution
May 20-23, 2015
Co-commissioned and presented with Abrons Arts Center, at The Chocolate Factory.
Rebecca Patek’s new performance invokes the story of Leopold and Loeb to hold a mirror to her own “crimes” and investigate a personal history involving familial guilt, tainted blood, and bad karma.
Created by Rebecca Patek. Performed by John Hoobyar, Sheila Lewandowski, David Patek, Sam Roeck, Chris Tyler, Peter Mills Weiss and Jaime Wright. Music by L.A. Dierker. Lighting Design by Joe Levasseur. Video Design and Production by David Pym. Video Production by Vincent Lafrance.
Review: “The Future Was Looking Better in the Past, a Long-Ago Crime Reappears” – Brian Seibert, New York Times