Melinda Ring / Special Projects
c lo u d
c lo u d
April 6-14, 2018
Tuesdays thru Saturdays at 8pm
Tuesdays thru Saturdays at 8pm
See both pieces by Melinda Ring and Renée Archibald for a discounted price of $30.
Meant for an intimate audience, this evening-length dance takes place in an imagined room — which is continually expanding, contracting, shifting directions, refracted within the actual room. Morphing like clouds, performers and space share a swirling energy. Sometimes the dancers mirror each other; sometimes they are “ordinary people” (under a dark cloud) whose frustration, anger, and sadness propel them toward destructive behavior. Delicate structures often slip out of sync into unruliness, reconfigured through the nudge of a current. These unseen forces extend to the viewers, guiding their physical proximity in relationship to this de-centered work as it progresses…with a heightened sense of sharing the experience.
Choreographer: Melinda Ring. Performers: Talya Epstein, Maggie Jones, Rainey White. Lighting design: Paul Clay.
“a code of clouds” – Cori Olinghouse