Lyndsey Karr
The One
The One
October 19-22, 2011
A multi-media, multi-sensorial, experiential and performative environment in which the audience inhabits interchangeably the roles of witness and collaborative participant in the content of the work. In this particular work, the audience views and participates in historical and contemporary images, ideologies, paradoxes and personal experiences of a female in love, while simultaneously becoming and entering the work as the significant Other, the lover, the ‘Beloved’. Considering and building the content of this work based on contemporary and historical roles, icons and experiences of women in the arena of love, this piece researches, explores and seeks to offer real-time encounters with social, political, familial, and religious models from which women learn how to love and how to behave in love. Creating an immersive, interactive environment contextualized by the artists’ personal histories and experiences in love, this piece attempts to engage the audience with and in love.
Created and Performed by Lyndsey Karr. With Lindsey Z Briggs and Gina Kohler. Lighting Design by Madeline Best.
“Women in Love Leap Into Elevator Shafts” – Gia Kourlas, New York Times