Katie Workum


April 18-21, 2012


In Fruitlands, we fill the Chocolate Factory with heaps of moves and piles of visions. It is contained; a succinct time of bodies, spaces and sounds, living and breathing within this closed system of performance. Vagaries from Little Women, 19th century utopian societies, The American Transcendentalists, and the realities of romantics all have a home in this dance vessel. So do Molly, Weena, Katy and Marilyn. So do you.

Choreography by Katie Workum. Lighting Design by Carrie Wood. Costume Design by Bonkuk Koo. Sound Design by Jonathan Melville Pratt. Performed by Marilyn MaywaldMolly LieberWeena Pauly and Katy Pyle.

“The Flick of a Skirt Can Speak Louder Than Words” – Gia Kourlas, New York Times