Deganit Shemy
Hungry Kite


June 20-23, 2012


In Hungry Kite, performers, images, and objects are all treated as possessing immanent meaning, perpetually in a state of potential, waiting to manifest. The work intends to strip people and objects to their bare essence, presenting them simply as facts onstage. As our watching becomes gazing, our experience of every moment becomes illuminated.

Hungry Kite was commissioned by The Chocolate Factory as part of its Visiting Artist Program. Lead commissioning and developmental support for HUNGRY KITE has been provided by the Maggie Allesee National Center for Choreography at Florida State University with support from The Andrew W. Mellon FoundationHungry Kite was in part developed through a residency at DMAC (Duo Multicultural Arts Center). Project Consultant: Andy Horwitz. Travel support has been provided by Israel’s Office of Cultural Affairs.

Choreography by Deganit Shemy. Video by Jim Findlay. Sound by Jim Dawson. Lighting by Madeline Best. Performed by Elyssa DoleDenisa MusilovaSavina Theodorou and Rebecca Warner.

“Worlds Within Worlds, Both Real and Imagined” – Gia Kourlas, New York Times