Aki Sasamoto
Centripetal Run


November 26 – December 1, 2012


There is a proud stalker in pursuit of a perfect opposite. Between them lies the gray mass of a heavy ocean; matter expands and expunges little bubbles of wishes. Trying to bridge the gap will kill the joy, as well as the universe the stalker lives in. Grey equals rose. She is now pressed to gulp the not-red, not-white, rose wine.

Centripetal Run explores parallels between gray situations in personal lives, and electromagnetic radiation that forms the universe. The sculptural arrangement is a theatrical cosmology, and the performer unfolds, negotiates, and psychologically challenges its matter of factness.

Created by Aki Sasamoto. Music by Matt Bauder. Lighting by Madeline Best. Sculpture by Sam EkwurtzelAki Sasamoto. Prologue by Pau Atela. Performance by Aki SasamotoArturo Vidich.

“Aki Sasamoto’s Line of Reasoning”  – Lumi Tan, New York Times

“Finding Connections Among Melting Ice, Doughnuts and Underwear” – Brian Seibert, New York Times